Stepping into the future
A Finnish innovation company introducing efficient, safe
and resilient solutions to the Baggage and Air Cargo businesses.
Our simulation tool will assist your organization with a planned and orderly migration to a new generation of automated processes and tools.

Although baggage and cargo automation share some of the same technical attributes, they are both part of completely different businesses. Therefore, solutions need to be tailored.

About ePiece
Our concept and approach focus on enabling piece-level identification, supported by advanced machine vision technology in order to collect all data required for onward processing.

Step Into the Future
How do you combine higher speed, accuracy, quality, safety and information transparency with lower unit cost in the baggage and cargo handling business? Impossible equation? Not really.
Baggage & Cargo
Emirates, the world’s biggest long-haul carrier, can’t understand why robots -- like the ones used by Amazon.com Inc.’s warehouses -- aren’t handling airport baggage yet.
Outlining what automation, artificial intelligence and big data can do for air travel, the carrier’s President Tim Clark laid out a vision in which robots, with no need for human intervention, would ID bags, put them in prescribed bins and later take them out to the aircraft.